
71 pages 2 hours read

Rainbow Rowell

Eleanor and Park

Rainbow RowellFiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2012

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Chapters 13-24Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 13 Summary: Eleanor

The next day, Eleanor is feeling much better and she has the songs from Park’s mix-tape stuck in her mind. The songs have touched her greatly; they have given her a new perspective on the world, which she now finds to be tangibly different. When she sees Park on the bus, she beams, as she cannot contain her joy. Park asks her if she liked the tape, and she explains how amazing she found it: “It was awesome. I didn’t want to stop listening” (55).

The two talk about the songs until Park eventually turned and began looking out the window. It was at this moment that Eleanor realized she wanted to continue talking to Park. To restart their conversation, Eleanor blurts out that she likes X-men but that she hates the character Cyclops. Park finds this a ridiculous thing to say, but he eventually tells her that he intends to bring a Batman comic in tomorrow.

Later that day, Park finds himself staring at the back of Eleanor’s neck during English class. Later, Eleanor watches Park during their History class and realizes that he routinely chews on his pencil. The chapter ends later that night when Park begins working on a new mix-tape for Eleanor.

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