
84 pages 2 hours read

Kazuo Ishiguro

Klara and the Sun

Kazuo IshiguroFiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2021

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Essay Topics


Klara’s faith stands in contrast with Mr. Capaldi’s scientific rationality. Mr. Capaldi, however, argues for faith in rationality. Are faith and science positioned as polar opposites in Klara and the Sun, or are there areas where they overlap?


For the most part, the women in Klara and the Sun are quick to sacrifice for their loved ones, while the adult men are more independent. What role does gender play in Klara and the Sun, and what does it mean that Klara is a “female” AF?


Chrissy and Helen made opposite choices in regards to lifting their children, and both carry immense guilt. Josie believes her mother made the courageous choice. Is Josie correct? Was Helen’s choice made out of cowardice, or something else?

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