
84 pages 2 hours read

Kazuo Ishiguro

Klara and the Sun

Kazuo IshiguroFiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2021

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Part 6Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 6 Summary

Josie grows stronger and healthier. Years go by, and Josie begins the college application process. Rick buys a used car and names it “the Wreck” (286). He visits often as Josie is recovering but much less frequently by the time she is preparing for college. Melania no longer works at the house and now lives in California. In the last conversation between Rick and Klara, Rick asks about the sun on the morning Josie began her recovery. He also asks about Klara’s deal in the barn, but she still keeps her secret: “I don’t dare speak about this matter, even today. It was such a special favor, and if I speak about it to anyone, even just to Rick, my fear is that the help Josie received will be taken back” (287). Klara is concerned that Rick and Josie are headed for different futures. However, Rick assures her that the love her secret deal was based on is still true, and that they will still be connected, even if they end up apart.

Other young women start visiting the house. There isn’t as much space in Josie’s room, so Klara stays in the Utility Room, a small storage space with a high window.

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