
84 pages 2 hours read

Kazuo Ishiguro

Klara and the Sun

Kazuo IshiguroFiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2021

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Part 1Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 1 Summary

Narrator Klara is an AF (Artificial Friend) android, available for sale in an AF store. AFs are sold to wealthy families to help socialize children, who have few opportunities to play together. From the middle of the store, Klara can see buildings, the sun, and “Beggar Man and his dog” (3) through the window. AFs are solar-powered, and Klara is acutely aware of the sun’s position and “nourishment.” Rex, another AF, tells Klara to touch the “sun’s pattern” (4) on the floor and teases her when it goes away. Rex is moved to the front window, and Klara notices a young girl admiring him. She speculates to her friend and fellow AF Rosa, “She’s going to choose him! She loves him. He’s so lucky!” (6). The girl’s mother, however, mentions that Rex and Klara’s model, the B2 third series, have “solar absorption problems” (6), and they leave the store.

Klara and Rosa are moved to the store’s display window. Klara is curious about the outside world. She enjoys examining the buildings and observing pedestrians. Klara is particularly observant, sharing her thoughts on pedestrians’ emotional signals with Rosa and Manager. Rosa is uninterested, but Manager remarks on Klara’s insight: “Klara, you’re quite remarkable.

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