95 pages 3 hours read

Renée Watson

Piecing Me Together

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2017

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Symbols & Motifs


Language is a motif woven throughout Piecing Me Together, underscoring themes of self-advocacy, self-exploration, and authentic mentorship. Language appears in multiple forms in the book: There is Jade’s enthusiasm for the Spanish language, Jade’s father encouraging her to read books, and the idea that Jade is “shy” and needs to learn speak up for herself. “I know Mr. Flores thinks he’s preparing us for surviving travel abroad, but these are questions my purpose is asking. I am finding a way to know these answers right here, right now” (49). Language also represents education, as when Jade recalls how her father encouraged her to be a reader: “Dad, I’m serious. You told me that knowing how to read words and knowing when to speak them is the most valuable commodity a person can have. You don’t remember saying that?” (74). Education, in this instance, becomes a vehicle for Jade to explore and express herself.

Language also relates to the theme of learning to listen. In Chapter 72, Jade and Sam’s reconciliation is put in terms of language and understanding: “When we misunderstand each other, we listen again. And again” (253). Maxine literally silences Jade out of embarrassment in Chapter 41. A moment of weakness and sadness for Jade is marked by an absence of words and an inability to speak: “I don’t want an explanation or an apology.