
82 pages 2 hours read

Sean Covey

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

Nonfiction | Book | YA | Published in 1998

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Exam Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. B (Introduction)

2. A. (Chapter 1)

3. C (Chapter 1)

4. D (Chapter 3)

5. B (Chapter 5)

6. A (Chapter 6)

7. C (Chapter 7)

 8. C (Chapter 8)

9. C (Chapter 10)

10. A (Chapter 10)

11. D (Chapter 10)

12. A (Chapter 10)

13. D (Chapter 11)

14. A (Chapter 11)

15. B (Chapter 12)

Long Answer

1. Significant obstacles include living with dysfunctional families, dealing with physical or sexual abuse, or having a significant illness. Rather than passing down these habits of dysfunction, individuals can break the pattern and become “change agents” through the seven habits. Using the seven habits, they can change their lives, along with the lives of the people around them. (Chapter 4)

2. For Covey, self-renewal means that we never lose perspective as we pursue our goals. Self-renewal means that, no matter what the challenge or obstacle, the self can reinvent itself anew – thus, self-renewal is connected to a greater sense of hope.

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