
82 pages 2 hours read

Sean Covey

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

Nonfiction | Book | YA | Published in 1998

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Reading Questions & Paired Texts

Reading Check and Short Answer Questions on key plot points are designed for guided reading assignments, in-class review, formative assessment, quizzes, and more.

Introduction-Part 1

Reading Check

1. In what year was the first edition of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens first published?

2. What book did Sean Covey’s father write?

3. What is the common denominator among the first three habits of the book?

4. What is the common denominator among Habits 4-6?

5. What is the general theme of the final habit?

6. Covey reminds the reader that a certain human “power” can be harnessed, for either good or bad purposes. To what is he referring?

7. Covey compares paradigms to what optical accessory?

8. Name one of the three types of paradigms that Covey names in Chapter 2.

Short Answer

Answer each question in at least 1 complete sentence. Incorporate details from the text to support your response.

1. In Chapter 1, Covey shares several quotes from various teenagers about the nature of the problems that they face. Generally, what are some of their concerns? Provide at least two examples.

2. As a counterpoint to the seven habits of highly effective teens, Covey describes the seven habits of highly “defective” teens. What are they? Briefly describe three of the “defective” habits here.

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