74 pages 2 hours read

Caroline B. Cooney

The Face on the Milk Carton

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1990

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Chapters 16-18

Chapter 16 Summary

Janie hosts a movie night for Reeve, Sarah-Charlotte, and her friend Jason. The foursome shares popcorn and plays Trivial Pursuit. Sarah-Charlotte pretends that one of the game cards has a question about the milk carton. She wants to know why Janie carries it in her notebook. Miranda brings sandwiches for the friends and says that she, too, wonders about the milk carton. Janie feels scared to answer. Reeve creates a distraction for Janie. She runs upstairs to destroy the milk carton but decides to hide it under her mattress instead.

Janie continues to write in her notebook, theorizing about her kidnapping. She discusses the theories with Reeve when he takes her to an arcade. Reeve grows impatient with her constant preoccupation. Janie wonders how Frank and Miranda could have avoided learning about Jennie Spring’s kidnapping.

Janie attends an awards banquet. Her father receives a trophy for his coaching job. Janie feels proud of her father and touched by her parents’ love for her, but she also thinks about how the Springs must worry about her: “The only way to be the good daughter,” she muses, “is to tell” (163). That night, Janie calls the phone number on the milk carton.