74 pages 2 hours read

Caroline B. Cooney

The Face on the Milk Carton

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1990

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Chapters 7-9

Chapter 7 Summary

Janie searches her mother’s study for a key to the safe deposit box at the bank. She finds the organized files reassuring but grows suspicious about a locked drawer. For the first time, Janie goes alone into her house’s attic. She sees a box of her old sweaters, another of her father’s ski boots, and a mysterious black trunk labeled with the letter “H.” Inside, Janie finds mementos belonging to a girl named Hannah. Though she initially thinks the trunk’s contents are boring, Janie is stunned when she sees the dress worn by the child in the photo on the milk carton.

Chapter 8 Summary

Upset by the dress she found in the attic, Janie refuses to eat the dinner her mother prepared and deliberately hurts her parents’ feelings. She believes she should act on what she knows about the milk carton by alerting Jennie Spring’s parents, but Janie likes her life and does not want it to change once she reveals her possible kidnapping.

Janie retreats to her room. She sorts through her clothing in search of an outfit for a school event. The thought of outfits and shopping lead her to a new memory.