
76 pages 2 hours read

Margaret Atwood

Alias Grace

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1996

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Part XI, Chapters 41-44Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part XI: "Falling Timbers"

Chapter 41 Summary

This chapter consists of a letter to Simon from his mother, written in August, 1959. In it she bemoans her failing health, and she asks for Simon to write to her and relieve her anxiety about him. 

Chapter 42 Summary

Simon dreams of being in the attic again, outside the maids’ rooms. He is looking for a woman. Then, he sees a woman under a sheet, and he must dissect her. He approaches the table and lifts off the sheet, but there is no woman, only more sheets. At the bottom of the pile of sheets, there is still no woman. He is failing his examination, but he’s also relieved. He will be all right.

He dreams that Grace Marks is standing over his bed. He pulls her into his bed and has sex with her. He realizes that he isn’t dreaming, and it is Mrs. Humphrey in his bed. He has just had sex with Mrs. Humphrey.

Chapter 43 Summary

Grace announces that Simon has gone away to Toronto, and she imagines what she can say to him about her arrest and trial.

Grace and McDermott are arrested and taken back to Toronto. They are jailed and questioned. Grace tells them what she can remember.

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