
76 pages 2 hours read

Margaret Atwood

Alias Grace

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1996

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Part XIV, Chapters 50-53Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part XIV: "The Letter X"

Chapter 50 Summary

This chapter consists of letters that describe what happens to Simon and Grace after 1859. The letters include Grace writing to Simon asking him to write a letter to the government in her favor, and a letter from Simon to his friend Edward Murchie, in January 1860, explaining that Simon has nearly had a nervous breakdown over the whole Grace Marks affair.

Grace Marks also writes to Jeremiah, now called Signor Geraldo Ponti, in September 1861, having seen a poster with him on it performing under that name. She relates that Lydia married Reverend Verringer, after being very upset at Simon’s sudden departure. Dora told many stories about Simon and Mrs. Humphreys, and their affair became public knowledge. She also laments that Simon never gave her the help he promised her.

Simon’s mother writes to Mrs. Humphrey in May 1862, in response to Mrs. Humphrey’s many letters to Simon. Simon was a military surgeon in the Civil War; he retained a head injury and has nearly died. He has lost parts of his memory and may never recover.

In October 1867, Reverend Verringer writes to Dr. Bannerling, explaining the results of Grace’s hypnotism and asking him to support her pardon petition.

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