
26 pages 52 minutes read

Katherine Anne Porter

The Jilting of Granny Weatherall

Fiction | Short Story | Adult | Published in 1929

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Literary Devices

Stream-of-Consciousness Narration

Stream of consciousness is evident throughout the narrative as Granny’s thoughts and memories flow freely and often nonlinearly. The story blends current events with Granny’s recollections, creating a seamless transition between past and present. This technique reflects the subjective nature of memory and how it interweaves with Granny’s immediate experiences, allowing the reader to enter her stream of consciousness and witness the workings of her mind.

Through the use of stream of consciousness, the story captures Granny’s internal monologue, her fleeting thoughts, and her unfiltered reactions. It provides insight into her emotions, fears, regrets, and desires. The continuous flow of her thoughts mirrors the chaotic and nonlinear nature of human thinking, making Granny’s character feel more authentic and relatable.

The stream-of-consciousness technique also enhances the portrayal of Granny’s vulnerability and disorientation. As she nears death, her thoughts become more fragmented and disjointed. The narrative mirrors this disarray by incorporating abrupt shifts in time, fragmented sentences, and sudden changes in the subject matter. These techniques create a sense of confusion and emphasize Granny’s mental and physical decline.

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