
49 pages 1 hour read

Isabel Allende


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2005

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Parts 5-6Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 5: “Alta California, 1815” - Part 6: “Brief Epilogue and Final Period: Alta California 1840”

Part 5, Pages 323-364 Summary

Leaving Juliana with Lafitte, Diego, Isabel, and Nuria go to Cuba, from where they travel to Portobelo to find a ship sailing to Alta California. Finally on the Californian beach, they meet Bernardo, who takes them to Padre Mendoza at his mission. The friar details everything that happened since Diego left five years before: Diego’s parents have separated, with Regina returning to her Indigenous village, where she has reclaimed her name Toypurnia; more recently, however, Moncada arrived in California as envoy plenipotentiary of the Spanish king. He immediately arrested Alejandro de la Vega on false charges of treason and confiscated his property. Moncada also began an illegal pearl trade with the help of Carlos Alcázar, the governor of the El Diablo prison, using enslaved Indigenous people as labor. Mendoza tried to oppose Moncada, resulting in the ruin of his mission.

Moncada soon arrives at Mendoza’s mission to confront the group. One of Moncada’s servants is Diego’s childhood friend Garcia, who is happy to see him. When Isabel strikes up a conversation with Moncada, he is enraged to learn that Juliana is in New Orleans and married to Lafitte.

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