
53 pages 1 hour read

John Steinbeck

The Chrysanthemums

Fiction | Short Story | Adult | Published in 1937

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.

Reading Context

Use these questions or activities to help gauge students’ familiarity with and spark their interest in the context of the work, giving them an entry point into the text itself.

Short Answer

1. What significant historical events occurred in the 1920s and 1930s in America and around the world? What impact did these events have on women in particular?

Teaching Suggestion: In order to provide some context for students, it might be helpful to have a timeline posted with events slightly prior to the 1920s and events slightly after the 1930s to help them contextualize the time period they are discussing. Consider accessing or sharing these or similar resources with students to help inform this work.

2. What roles would have been considered appropriate for a woman in the late 1930s? What jobs would be seen as fitting for her to do on a ranch?

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