133 pages 4 hours read

Looking for Alaska

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2005

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Chapters 1-5Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary

Miles Halter is a sixteen-year-old boy who is poised to leave his hometown in Florida to attend boarding school in Alabama. His mother has thrown him a going away party, but, despite her enthusiasm, Miles knows that it will be a washout. As he expected, there are only a couple of guests, but Miles is not disappointed—he is more concerned with the life that awaits him in Alabama. His father attended the same school, Culver Creek, which is partly the reason Miles chose it. More than this, though, Miles is motivated by the idea of a “Great Perhaps.” Miles has an interest in the last words of notable figures, and the last words attributed to the poet Francois Rabelais are “I go seeking a Great Perhaps.” As Miles explains to his parents, this is what he is seeking at Culver Creek.

Chapter 2 Summary

Miles’s mother tries to help him out upon his arrival at Culver Creek by offering to make his bed. However, he is keen to embrace his newfound independence. He has read about the adventures enjoyed by figures such as John F. Kennedy and Humphrey Bogart at boarding school, and he hopes to follow in their footsteps. He is also keen to meet his roommate, Chip Martin.


Before starting out on his new adventure, Miles attends to the practical matters of unpacking and showering. He then encounters Chip, and the two make their introductions. Chip was admitted to Culver on a scholarship, and his parents divorced when he was a sophomore. He is gifted academically and has a knack for memorizing the names of countries and capital cities.


After they have finished unpacking and furnishing their dorm room, Chip gives Miles an introduction to life at Culver Creek. There are two types of students—regular boarders such as themselves and “Weekday Warriors” who return home at the weekend—and they are constantly at odds. Chip also warns Miles that it is necessary to be careful around the teachers and other students, though he adds that he hates being careful. Miles smirks at this and reflects that he does not want to be careful during his time at Culver Creek.


Chip tells Miles to refer to him by his nickname “the Colonel,” and he gives Miles a nickname of his own: Pudge, which is an ironic reference to his slight frame. Miles then follows the Colonel to a dorm room occupied by a girl called Alaska. Here, Miles not only notices that the room is full of books but is stunned by the sight of “the hottest girl in the whole of human history” (14). Alaska is a friend of the Colonel and sells him a pack of cigarettes, but she departs shortly afterwards in order to find another of their friends, Takumi. Meanwhile, Miles accompanies the Colonel to the edge of a lake that lies within the school’s grounds. The Colonel then lights up a cigarette and Miles decides to do likewise, though, as he is not used to smoking, he cannot help coughing and wheezing.


Miles spots a swan nearby, and the Colonel explains that it is an aggressive creature that was put there as a security measure by “the Eagle.” The Eagle is the school dean who lives within the dorm circle and “sees all” (16). On this note, the Colonel tells Miles that he can expect to get in trouble during his time at Culver Creek but, the vast majority of the time, his parents do not have to know. This is because the school has a reputation to protect and does not want parents to think that their children are running riot. The Colonel’s other piece of advice is to never rat on other students.

The Colonel then leaves to meet his girlfriend, Sara, while Miles remains at the lake. His ruminations are interrupted by Alaska’s voice, and, when she appears before him, he is struck by her beauty and voluptuousness. Alaska quizzes Miles on his knowledge of famous last words and tells him that there is one example that has captured her own interest. She has been reading The General in His Labyrinth, which tells of the last days of military leader Simon Bolivar, and she is intrigued by Bolivar’s last words: “How will I ever get out of this labyrinth!” Alaska wonders whether the labyrinth refers to living or dying, and Miles expects her to answer this question. However, when he realizes that she is posing the question to him, he replies that he does not know.


Miles shifts topic to the numerous books stacked in Alaska’s room, and Alaska says that she intends to read them all at some point; however, while at Culver Creek, “there is so much to do: cigarettes to smoke, sex to have, swings to swing on. I'll have more time for reading when I'm old and boring” (20). She goes on to tell Miles about her early days at the school: like the Colonel, she was admitted on a scholarship, and the two formed a bond on account of their “shared interest in booze and mischief” (20). They have also become skilled in pulling pranks, with Alaska acting as the creative force and the Colonel as the military mastermind.


Alaska observes that Miles is quieter than the Colonel, but she tells him that she finds him cute. However, she already has a boyfriend, whom she says that she loves. She subsequently makes a deal with Miles: if he can decipher what the labyrinth is and how to get out of it, she will find him a girlfriend.


As they walk home later that evening, Alaska asks Miles whether he sometimes feels uneasy while walking at night and wants to run home—even though it is “silly and embarrassing” (21). Miles admits that he has felt this way, and, after a moment’s silence, Alaska grabs his hand and starts running, pulling him along behind her.

Chapter 3 Summary

The following afternoon, Miles quizzes the Colonel about Alaska and learns that she is seemingly devoted to her boyfriend, Jake (who is at college on a scholarship). Earlier that day, Miles had also been introduced to the Eagle, who warned him not to abuse the freedom that is afforded to students at Culver Creek. The Eagle had looked at him sternly before departing, and Alaska dubs this “the Look of Doom” (21).


Miles accompanies the Colonel to the cafeteria and gets his first taste of the deep-fried cuisine favored in Alabama. The Colonel then introduces Miles to Takumi (who is part of their circle of friends), and discussion turns to Alaska’s former roommate, Marya, who was expelled the previous year for smoking, drinking, and lying naked in bed with her boyfriend, Paul. The rumor is that someone ratted them out to the Eagle, and Takumi intends to find the culprit. The Colonel remarks that Paul deserved what he got on account of being a Weekday Warrior. However, Takumi points out that the Colonel’s girlfriend is a Weekday Warrior as well.


When the Colonel goes out later that evening, Miles does not quiz him on where he is headed or ask to accompany him. He instead decides to get a good night’s sleep before his first day of classes, but, after several hours, he is woken suddenly to find himself being shaken, grabbed, and led out of the room, with the Colonel saying, “Have a good time. Go easy on him, Kevin” (24). After being led across the soccer field, Miles anticipates that he is going to be subjected to dunking in the lake: a typical initiation procedure that he believes he can handle. However, when the students start wrapping duct tape around him, he begins to worry. He pleads with them not to go through with what they are planning, but one of the students—Kevin—says that he deserves it for hanging out with the Colonel. The students then hurl Miles into the water and he feels himself sinking, but his panic subsides as he floats towards the surface and manages to free himself of the duct tape. He also notices that the students have had the courtesy to leave him a towel.


Miles does not feel like going back to his room, as he is scared that Kevin and his accomplices might be waiting there. Besides which, he does not feel very friendly towards the Colonel after his earlier comment about enjoying the prank. Miles goes to see Alaska instead, and she looks concerned at first before laughing and saying, “Guess you went for a swim, huh?” (27). Miles now feels as though everyone at school has known about the prank, and he wonders why they all went along with it. In his confusion, Miles looks at Alaska blankly. However, she tells him to stop being melodramatic, as there are people in the world with real problems—people such as herself.


When Miles returns to his room, the Colonel is likewise in good spirits about the prank and tells Miles that it happens to everybody. Still, when Miles says that Kevin and the other students duct-taped him, the Colonel’s mood becomes serious. He thought that they would just throw Miles in the lake, yet he now sees that they took the prank to another level and put Miles in danger. He subsequently vows that he will make the culprits pay for what they have done, and he shoots down Miles’s suggestion to tell the Eagle. As he emphasizes, students sort out their own problems at Culver Creek rather than running to the teacher. Miles then remarks that Alaska had been mean to him that night, but the Colonel is not surprised and refers to her as “moody” (28).

That night, Miles goes to bed fully clothed and resolves to continue doing so on account of the prank. He also observes that, for probably the first time in his life, he feels a sense of danger and excitement due to never knowing what is going to happen or when.

Chapter 4 Summary

When he wakes up the day after the prank, the Colonel discovers that Kevin and his friends have urinated in his shoes. Now, he is all the more adamant about getting revenge.


Sitting across from Alaska in French class, Miles reflects that she can be mean but that she seemed intelligent when she had spoken to him about the labyrinth. He compares her enigmatic smile to that of the Mona Lisa.


As Miles makes his way around the school during the rest of the day, he feels unsettled: the student population seems overwhelming, the classes are hard, and he cannot decipher who he should be trying to know. The World Religions class, however, appears to offer some respite, as Miles imagines that he might be able to get an A grade easily.


When the Colonel and Takumi join Miles in class, they inform him that Alaska is angry about what happened the previous night. Miles is surprised at this, but they tell him that she had not known the full story, plus people can be moody sometimes. The Colonel is now set on retaliation and, at his request, Miles identifies the culprits as they file into the room.


An elderly teacher then walks to the front of the room and introduces himself as Dr. Hyde. He makes it clear that he is there to speak and the students are there to listen, as he has accumulated knowledge that far surpasses that of his audience. As he speaks, Miles realizes that the class will not be an easy A, yet Miles likes Dr. Hyde’s approach and much prefers it to discussion classes. He also finds the subject matter thought-provoking, and, when Dr. Hyde talks about the nature of being, Miles finds himself thinking about the labyrinth. After class is finished, Miles realizes that the teacher has made him take religion seriously for the first time.


Miles falls asleep during his free period later that afternoon but is woken by Alaska. He is still cross with her, especially as she teases him about the previous night, but she tells him that she is only joking. She had not known the full extent of what Kevin and the other students were planning, and she echoes the Colonel’s desire for revenge; however, she also tells Miles that he needs to be tough.

Chapter 5 Summary

At the end of his first week at Culver Creek, Miles enters the dorm room to find that the Colonel is getting ready for a date with Sara. He is struggling to master the art of ironing and had asked Alaska for help, but she criticized him for trying to “impose the patriarchal paradigm” (34) on her. After the Colonel has settled on wearing a wrinkled shirt, Sara arrives and she and the Colonel start squabbling. She is not impressed with his rumpled appearance and, after a heated exchange, the Colonel announces that he is not going anywhere with her. She consequently storms out, and, after she has gone, Miles remarks that she seems nice—a comment that causes the Colonel to laugh.


Soon afterwards, they hear the ringing of the payphone outside the dorm room and Miles takes the call. It is from Sara, who asks to speak to the Colonel, and a quarrel again ensues. As the Colonel recounts to Miles, the Weekday Warriors have been saying that he was the one who ratted out Marya and Paul, and that is why they urinated in his shoes. That is also why they subjected Miles to a potentially dangerous prank.


The Colonel reveals that he and Sara have never gotten along: unlike his parents, who used to have periods during which they were amicable, despite their otherwise volatile relationship, there was no honeymoon period with Sara. He says that he stays with her because she stays with him and that they deserve each other. Miles does not understand, but the Colonel returns to the topic of the Weekday Warriors, speculating that it was probably one of them who ratted on Marya and Paul and that they have shifted the blame to him.

Chapter 1–Chapter 5 Analysis

As Miles prepares to leave home, he is palpably dissatisfied with his current life and invested in starting anew. This does not involve any animosity towards his family, but he finds his life dull and uneventful. As his going away party confirms, he also has few friends. Miles is used to this state of affairs and does not find it upsetting, as it matches his low expectations: in contrast to his enthusiastic mother, he has no illusions about his popularity.


Miles’s decision to attend Culver Creek is partly on account of his father’s past experience, but he is also motivated by the loftier ideal of finding a “Great Perhaps.” As we learn here, Miles frequently reads biographies and has a particular interest in people’s last words. One example that has attracted his interest is that of the poet Francois Rabelais, whose last words were “I go seeking a Great Perhaps.” This idea of potentiality serves as a driving force for Miles, giving him a motive to leave home and embark on a new life at boarding school. Whereas he has been living vicariously through the words of the deceased, he now wants to experience life first-hand.


Miles is excited to arrive at Culver Creek and, despite his mother’s emotional reaction and attempts to help, he is committed to embracing his independence. In addition to his father’s school days, Miles has read about the adventures enjoyed by figures such as John F. Kennedy and Humphrey Bogart when they attended boarding school. So, while Miles has to attend to the practical matters of settling into his new environment, he feels a strong sense of anticipation.


His roommate Chip soon introduces himself and tells Miles to refer to him by his nickname: the Colonel. As we will see, this is an apt title in that Chip is a confident leader who excels at planning pranks. Right from the start, he gives Miles an outline of how things work at Culver Creek, informing him that the student population can be classified into two groups: regular boarders and “Weekday Warriors.” As with a typical high school, then, we see that Culver Creek has its own cliques and pecking order. Miles also acquires his own nickname, Pudge, which is an ironic reference to his skinny frame. Miles is conscious that he is not a muscular, imposing figure, and both he and the other characters mention this throughout the novel, with his appearance giving him an air of vulnerability and marking him out as unthreatening.


When Miles accompanies the Colonel to the lake and smokes for the first time, his initial reaction consists of coughing and wheezing. Nonetheless, these smoking sessions are part of a routine for Miles’s group of friends, and Miles becomes accustomed to partaking in this habit. On this note, one of the striking aspects of this novel is its lack of moralizing. The characters’ frequent drinking and smoking sessions are not censured, and Miles is not depicted as standing up to peer pressure. Rather, the characters’ actions are depicted in a neutral light, without authorial comment—for better or worse, this is how the characters live their lives. The novel is also realistic in this respect, refusing to sugarcoat or ignore these aspects of teenage life.


This scene between Miles and the Colonel contains an element of foreshadowing, as Miles spots the swan that the Eagle has placed near the lake as a security measure. The Colonel also reveals another of his personality traits; in this case, a strong belief that students should never rat on one another. Both of these points will reemerge as the plot develops, but, at this juncture, the Colonel serves as an efficient guide to both Miles and the reader. Indeed, the reader is aligned with Miles throughout the novel, as he occupies the role of narrator. We therefore see Culver Creek and the other characters through his eyes.


Upon being introduced to Alaska, Miles is quickly entranced by her beauty. She comes across as a confident, upbeat, flirtatious character (though, as we go on learn, her mood can change swiftly). When Miles talks to her about his interest in people’s last words, Alaska mentions an example that has piqued her own interest. The individual in question is the military leader Simon Bolivar, whose last words (as cited in The General in His Labyrinth) are “How will I ever get out of this labyrinth!” This is a thought-provoking question, as it prompts readers to ask not only how one may get out of the labyrinth but what the labyrinth is. Alaska wonders whether the labyrinth refers to life or death, but, as we will see, she comes to revise her perspective on this matter.


During Alaska’s conversation with Miles, we learn that she and the Colonel are firm friends and have a shared love of mischief. In particular, they enjoy pulling pranks, and they complement each another in that Alaska excels in terms of creativity while the Colonel is skilled at planning out tasks to the minutest detail. Despite their rebelliousness, however, they both share an excellent academic record and are attending Culver Creek on scholarships.


Alaska and Miles bond during this time, but, while Alaska admits that she finds Miles “cute,” she reveals that she already has a boyfriend. Her boyfriend, Jake, attends college, but his presence constitutes a roadblock to a potential relationship. Miles also meets some other important characters in this section; notably, the Eagle, who is the school Dean. As with the Colonel, his nickname is apposite in that he has a reputation for being all-seeing. Another character introduced here is Takumi, who is a friend of the Colonel and is especially talkative. His chatty nature leads to discussion of another relevant plot point, which is the expulsion of Alaska’s former roommate, Marya. Someone ratted her out for smoking, drinking, and lying naked with her boyfriend in bed, but no one knows who was responsible. Takumi, however, displays a determined, investigative streak in his quest to find the guilty party.


Miles is subjected to his initiation in this section when, one night, the Weekday Warriors take him from his room, duct tape him, and throw him in the lake. This sort of initiation is a tradition at Culver Creek, and neither the Colonel nor Alaska are initially perturbed by it; in fact, they find it amusing. As they tell Miles, it is part-and-parcel of being a newcomer at the school. When the Colonel learns about the use of duct tape, however, his mood changes considerably, as he realizes that Miles had been in genuine danger. His loyalty flares up at this point, as he vows that the Weekday Warriors will pay for endangering his friend. He also emphasizes the way in which things work at Culver Creek: in the same way that ratting is a no-go, students sort out disputes among themselves.


We also learn more about Alaska during this episode. For instance, when Miles visits her immediately after the prank, she tells him that he needs to toughen up and that there are people, such as herself, who have real problems. This is a characteristically cryptic statement, and we only learn the details of Alaska’s problems later in the novel. Additionally, when Miles tells the Colonel that Alaska was mean to him, the Colonel says that she has a tendency to be moody. It is thus intimated that Alaska is not merely the flirtatious, lively girl that Miles first encountered.


Miles’s own reaction to the initiation prank is ambivalent, in that he has experienced fear and danger, and is now vigilant against any further pranks of this kind. Still, there is a certain sense of excitement that comes with not knowing what is going to happen, and this stands in contrast to the mundane existence that he lived before arriving at Culver Creek.


The Colonel and Takumi reiterate to Miles that Alaska can be moody, but Miles remains fascinated by her. Not only is she beautiful, her comments on the labyrinth indicate an intelligent, curious mindset, while her smile is akin to that of the Mona Lisa. This comparison is particularly fitting, in that Alaska is a mysterious character who Miles cannot figure out. There is seemingly more to her than meets the eye, and, as the novel progresses, we see that this is indeed the case.


Miles’s first days at the school are successful for the most part, as manages to make some friends and avoid being singled out for teasing or bullying—even the prank was not a personal attack so much as a warning to stay away from the Colonel. Still, Miles experiences some growing pains, such as feeling overwhelmed by the size of the student population and the difficulty of the classes. Entering a new school is typically seen as a daunting experience, especially for students joining at a later stage than most of their peers, and we get a sense of Miles trying his best to settle in as the ‘new kid.’


Luckily for Miles, he finds the World Religions class extremely interesting and likes the teacher’s lecture-based approach. Miles also ties the subject matter to the question of the labyrinth that Alaska raised earlier, and this prompts his ongoing interest in philosophy and how the major religions tackle the big questions about life, death, and suffering.


In the final chapter of this section, the Colonel is preparing for a date with his girlfriend, Sara, but struggling to iron his shirt. When Alaska refuses to help and accuses the Colonel of trying to “impose the patriarchal paradigm,” we see that Alaska has an interest in feminist politics, with the phrase that she uses here remerging later in the novel when her friends use it as a tribute.

When Sara arrives, we witness her volatile relationship with the Colonel firsthand as they quarrel over his inappropriate attire. Their relationship raises the obvious question of why they stay together; especially as, according to the Colonel, they have never gotten along. He reveals that his own parents had had an unhealthy relationship and frequently fought, but they at least had a honeymoon period. As for his relationship with Sara, he tries to explain that he stays with her because she stays with him, and he says that they deserve each other. This makes sense insofar as they have arguing in common and have become accustomed to interacting in this way: there is something dependable and consistent about their dynamic, though it is hardly the healthiest relationship.


Aside from this spectacle, Sara reveals that the Weekday Warriors have accused the Colonel of ratting out Alaska’s roommate. As the Colonel is dead-set against ratting, this seems highly unlikely. In the Colonel’s view, the Weekday Warriors are probably trying to shift the blame away from themselves. So, the mystery of who ratted remains ongoing.

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