
63 pages 2 hours read

Jenny Han

To All the Boys I've Loved Before

Fiction | Novel | YA

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Chapters 8-12

Chapter 8 Summary

Lara Jean agrees to meet Chris at the mall, even though she is frightened to drive on her own. She is an inexperienced and nervous driver, and she accidentally hits another car on her way to the mall. The car she hit is fine, so the man drives off, but Lara Jean’s car has a big dent in the side. Lara Jean feels dejected and unable to rise to the responsibility of driving a car. Lara Jean is terrified of her father and Margot finding out, even though she understands that they will have to. Her first call is to Josh, who drops everything to go help Lara Jean. While she’s waiting for Josh, Peter Kavinsky drives by and stops to see if Lara Jean needs help. She and Peter used to be part of the same group of friends in middle school (and he was her first kiss) but have since grown apart. He is handsome and nice, but in a different social world than Lara Jean. Josh arrives to help, and in the car, they discuss his break-up with Margot.

Josh asks Lara Jean if she thinks there’s a possibility that he and Margot will get back together.

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